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Advanced Level “Swim like a Champion” 1 to 5 stages overview
Once your child has completed the Beginner and Intermediate levels, they will be equipped with the stamina, strength and kicking power to move onto the Advanced Level ‘Swim like a Champion’ stages. The Advanced Level is made up of 5 stages. Swimmers will learn the 4 principle swimming strokes: Front Crawl, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly.
Advanced Level Stages
Swim Like
A Champion 1
Main outcome: "gliding and propulsion"
At this stage your child will be ready to learn a more streamlined body position in preparation for strokes. They will continue working on propulsion and rotations, which are known as “rockets”. They will be introduced to the arm movements and their underwater skills will expand.
Swim Like
A Champion 2
Main outcomes: Learning Front Crawl and Backstroke (full stroke) and intro to Breaststroke kick
At the Champion 2 level, your child will build on all their previous skills, using their arms, legs and breathing together in both Front Crawl and Backstroke. They will also enjoy learning how to kick their legs like a frog in preparation for Breaststroke, as well as enjoying the fun of performing a tumble-turn in the water! At this stage, most of our swimmers are in the top group in their school swimming classes.
Swim Like
A Champion 3
Main outcomes: Refining Front Crawl and Backstroke technique and Breaststroke full stroke
Now that your child is at the Champion 3 level, they will be an efficient swimmer in Front Crawl and Backstroke, and it is the time to work on their stamina. They will learn to put Breaststroke arms and legs together and enjoy working on the popular "competitive racing dives.
Swim Like
A Champion 4
Main outcomes: Refining Breaststroke technique and learning Butterfly
At the Champion 4 level, the practice and building of skills and stamina in Front Crawl, Backstroke and Breaststroke will continue, and the undulating (wave-like) body movement of Butterfly is introduced and developed. They will also refine the tumble turns in all 4 strokes. At this stage, your child will be able to swim at least 100 metres in Front Crawl and Backstroke, and 50 metres of Breaststroke.
Swim Like
A Champion 5
Main outcomes: Refining Butterfly technique, mastering racing dives, improving distance, stamina, rhythm and timing in all 4 strokes.
Main outcomes: Competitive swimming, medleys and competitive tumble turns. Continue to improve technique in all 4 strokes.
As part of the Squad, your child will learn how to work out turn-around times using the pace clock and lane etiquette, together with all the different turns, including Individual Medley. Stroke technique will be further emphasised and drills will be introduced and advanced with increasing distances, along with further progressions aiding a better understanding of technique.
Did you know...?
“The National Curriculum expects children to be swimming 25 metres by the age they finish Primary School?
We have swimmers as young as 3.5 years old swimming this distance at the ISA Swimming Galas!”
At the Champion 5 level, your child is now a superstar swimmer! They will continue to improve on speed, distance and stamina in Front Crawl, Backstroke and Breaststroke. At this stage, your child will be able to swim at least 150 metres in Front Crawl and Backstroke, 100 metres Breaststroke and 50 metres Butterfly. They will also have mastered racing dives.